Christina y Katie: cómo dos chicas que buscaban el amor se convirtieron en la familia perfecta en Internet

Antes de ser la famosa familia Bailey de Instagram, de tener miles de seguidores enamorados de las preciosas fotos de cuatro rubias que se besan y viajan a distintos rincones del mundo, Christina y Katie eran dos chicas que buscaban el amor.

Era 2012, Christina tenía 23 años y Katie 25. No habían tenido mucha suerte con las citas así que decidieron probar lo de buscar pareja por internet. Quedaron en un parque. Christina trabajaba en una cafetería así que apareció en la cita con un batido pata Katie, un detalle que le encantó.


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The reports are in! We took the @23andme test and received an email letting us know that our reports are ready! We reviewed them and have learned so many things that we never knew about us and it’s amazing what this test can show you from just a vial of your saliva! The 23andMe Ancestry + Traits Service allows you to see how your DNA breaks out across 1500+ regions worldwide and learn how your DNA may connect you to parts of the world you’ve may have never imagined. We will share some interesting things we learned about each other from our reports: Katie: I am 40% British and I thought I was Italian 🤔. I learned about the specific regions that my relatives are from and that I have two first cousins I never knew I had. I’m not a morning person and it shows that in one of my traits reports! I guess I can’t help my mood since genetics are partly to blame 😉 Christina: I am mostly German (30.9%), British and Irish (22.1%). My favorite part was reading about my traits. This test knew my eye color, hair color, etc just from the vial of saliva I submitted…that’s crazy! It even said I’m more likely to hate the sound of others chewing, which I do 😂. I learned I likely can’t taste bitter things, I am more likely to have stretch marks (this is sad news for if I carry our next baby), and my preferred wake up time (8:11 am), which I have yet to experience since having kids. It’s interesting to learn more about yourself in ways you never imagined! If you’re interested in 23andMe’s new Ancestry + Traits Service! Go to our link in bio! #sponsored

Una publicación compartida de The Baileys 🏳️‍🌈Lesbian🌈LGBTQ (@babybaileymamadrama) el

<<No estaba segura de si había química al principio. Pero en la siguiente cita apareció Katie con flores en mi puerta y fue entonces cuando supe que era la chica con la que iba a estar para siempre. Después de eso pasamos nuestros fines de semana turnándonos para conducir una hora de ida y vuelta de una casa a la otra>>, cuenta Christina.

Y no se equivocó. Se casaron al año siguiente. Ahora viven en California, donde Christina es maestra en una escuela primaria y Katie trabaja en fianzas. A través del método ropa (donde una aportó los óvulos y la otra gestó a las niñas) nacieron Kennedy y Charlotte, de 3 y 1 año.

Son una familia muy activa en las redes, tienen un canal de youtube (Baby Bailey Mama Drama), donde cuentan su historia de amor, sus vivencias como madres, y sus viajes alrededor del mundo. También tienen su propia línea de ropa (@boldlookapparel), con frases y diseños ideales para familias homoparentales.

VER: No hay padre, somos dos mamás. Contundente respuesta de dos lesbianas instagramers

<<Nuestra principal prioridad en las redes es conectarnos con otras personas. Hemos encontrado una comunidad maravillosa compuesta por personas LBGTQ, también hemos conectado con personas que realizan tratamientos de reproducción asistida, y mucha gente que disfruta de viajar. Creo que la conexión con la comunidad en general es lo que la ha hecho exitosa>>.


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Today is National Coming Out Day 🏳️‍🌈Coming out is definitely scary and for some, it is not an option due to where they live or how they feel inside. Coming out isn’t for everyone. Although Katie and I live in California, we are always «coming out» to people. Most of the time, we are open to everyone about being gay. However, there are many times when I have to ask myself, «should I come out right now?» It’s sad that even I sometimes, do not «come out» every chance I have because of my job. I know this might sound bad, but I have experienced unfair treatment in the past. Sometimes, coming out could mean more pain for me, and I would rather not endure that. This doesn’t mean I’m not proud of myself or of the beautiful family Katie and I have created, it means that I am choosing what is best for me and my family. My wife doesn’t want a wife who is sad and stressed. My kids don’t want that either. I want to come home and dedicate all of myself to them. They deserve that. They want a happy mom and wife and so sometimes, I choose to not «come out» at my job. For the most part, I do correct others when we are out in public and they assume I have a husband. We experience this ALL THE TIME. Just the other day we were in the airport and we corrected the woman who was helping us check in. We said we were married, not sisters. There was a long pause that seemed to last forever and then she responded with, «oh okay.» We stood there in silence until she was done printing our boarding passes. This could have gone a lot worse, but it was still awkward silence. I think it is good that our kids see this and that we do correct others (plus, the kids aren’t old enough to understand an awkward silence). I know this post isn’t what you were expecting. Even though I should always be out and proud, I just haven’t gotten to that comfort level after past experiences. Maybe one day I will get there again. Remember that it is okay to not come out and everyone has their way of handling it. I am still proud of who I am and if wasn’t for coming out to myself, my family and my friends, I would have never found Katie and had our two beautiful daughters. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Una publicación compartida de The Baileys 🏳️‍🌈Lesbian🌈LGBTQ (@babybaileymamadrama) el

Por otro lado las Bailey son activistas y defensoras de los derechos LGTB, y la visibilidad lésbica es una de sus máximas motivaciones. << Hemos recibido comentarios maravillosos de personas en Instagram sobre cómo los hemos ayudado simplemente compartiendo nuestra vida en línea. Podemos mostrarle a los jóvenes LGBTQ que una vida con un cónyuge e hijos es posible. Buscamos normalizar nuestra vida tanto como sea posible. También esperamos mostrarle a la gente que somos una familia como cualquier otra, y que somos válida como cualquier otra. Nos encanta ayudar a los demás y difundir el amor>>.


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If you are just following our account, I wanted to do a little introduction/summary of who we are since its been awhile. We are the Baileys! My name is Christina and for the most part, I manage all our social media pages but Katie steps in from time to time 😊 Katie is my wife. We have been married for 7 years now! We did Reciprocal IVF to create our family. Our daughters, Kennedy and Charlotte, were created using my egg and a donor sperm. Katie carried both our daughters and grew them from embryos to beautiful babies. Kennedy is our spunky and sweet threenager and Charlotte is our little adorable and dramatic one year old. We chose Reciprocal IVF because we both wanted to be part of the experience of making our children. It’s hard to both be part of it when we can’t use both of our DNA (but I feel like science is almost there). This is the process that best fit our family but there are so many wonderful ways to create a family for an LGBTQ couple. We started our Instagram account after our first round of IVF failed. I searched for help on what to do next and found so much help and support from the online community. I wanted to do the same for others after my experience. Katie and I enjoy helping others, sharing our lives, and taking our kids traveling whenever we aren’t working. We love meeting new people and we have met so many through Instagram! You can never have too many friends! Tell us about yourself!

Una publicación compartida de The Baileys 🏳️‍🌈Lesbian🌈LGBTQ (@babybaileymamadrama) el

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