Dos madres y cinco hijos. Esta familia te va a enamorar

Yo soy mujer, lesbiana y activista LGTB. Y desde hace menos de dos años tengo una nueva etiqueta: madre. Una etiqueta que ha cambiado toda mi vida. Estoy enamorada de mi niño, pero también a veces algo cansada, no es fácil dedicarle tiempo y amor a un niño, trabajar, atender la vida propia, etcétera. Por eso me quedo totalmente impresionada y admirada cuando veo a esta pareja de mujeres que tiene nada más ni nada menos que cinco hijos.  Si yo tuve que cambiar mi coche porque no me cabía el carro del bebé en el maletero, ¿qué haría con tantos hijos? Alquilar un autobús, seguramente.

Sí, toda mi admiración tiene esta hermosa familia.

Esta familia, compuesta por Kirsty y Amber Wilde, las madres vive en Reino Unido. En 2014 fueron madres de una pareja de mellizos, en 2016 madres otra vez y de otra pareja de mellizos (muy fuerte), y en 2018 nació su último bebé. Los pequeños son Lysander, Olympia, Vita, Embla y Balthazar. Del apellido e las madrs, Wilde, viene el nombre de sus redes, The Wildes, o sea, los salvajes, según la traducción. 

A través de sus redes sociales cuentan sus aventuras y nos enseñan sus preciosas fotos. Aquí te dejamos algunas de ellas:

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Oh beautiful, glorious day. 🌞 It feels as though spring is finally, FINALLY here and not only that but SUMMER is around the corner – and I couldn't be happier! We have a week in Camber booked for July, and I've been browsing overseas holidays (and contemplating taking the boys on a plane for a weekend away all by myself!). I know I've asked this before but it was months ago, so I'm asking again: what are your summer plans? Do you have holidays booked, or are you considering making a booking? And would I be nuts to take the boys to Spain or Italy alone? They're desperate to fly in a plane, and they love the beach so much… #lifecloseup #dailyparenting #ig_motherhood #thebestineveryday #motherhoodsimplified #motherhoodrising #humansofjoy #connectingmoms #developinglife #lifecloseup #honestlymothering #honestlyparents #cuddlethemclose #uniteinmotherhood #unitedinmotherhood #motherhoodthroughinstagram #motherhoodunplugged #rememberingthesedays #beinthepicture #littlestoriesofmylife #letsgolittles #acupofmotherhood #mamalife #lionessmama #mammarazzi_square #twinstwice #multiplemultiples #whpmystyle

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[AD] ‘Five children means that sometimes, nobody gets out of their pyjamas until bedtime. If their teeth are brushed (the big four) and nappies are clean (the small three), they have eaten a vegetable or two and laughed a lot, sometimes we consider that day a win. Five children means that nobody wears matching socks, ever. And if they do, we tease them about how fancy they look, swanning round the house in their two socks the same.’ – There is a post on the blog today about what it’s like to mother five such young children. It was written as part of @centerparcsuk #thisisfamily campaign, in which we’re currently participating, and it’s absolutely worth a glance to see my children ABSOLUTELY NOT COOPERATING for pictures (but looking bloody cute nonetheless!). I do feel so lucky to have this ridiculous litter of little valentines 😍…

Una publicación compartida de Amber (@meetthewildes) el


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Vita turned six weeks old yesterday, and I ‘celebrated’ that milestone with the return of my period. That or I just majorly overdid it in soft play (I seem to be dealing with some postnatal hormonal oddness that won’t let me relax and drink coffee whilst the children play, like a sensible parent! 😂). You’ll find me on this sofa today, working my way through a tub of Nutella with a spoon. 😂😂😂 At some point I need to go and get the girl weighed, as she hasn’t been weighed since her 10-day check and I’m curious! She was 8lbs 7oz then… I think she’ll be a good 10lbs now, what do you think? The boys have volunteered to come with me, so we’ll do that this morning and I’ll report back. What are you up to, today? #pblogger #pbloggers #mumsofinstagram #mumblog #motherhoodthroughinstagram #joyfulmamas #mamaloves #parentingtheshitoutoflife #rememberingthosedays #motherhoodmoments #thatsdarling #capturingcolour #colorcolourlovers #ukparentbloggers #documentlife #ohheymama #ig_bbcc #mytinytribe #mytinymoments #childofig #letthekids #childhoodunplugged #letthembelittle #littleandbrave #momentsoverposes #littleloves #justbaby

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Family picture. ❤️❤️❤️ Nobody wanted to cooperate for our family picture when we visited Whitstable last month, but I’m awfully glad that we caught this imperfect snap nonetheless. 😍 I was enjoying a conversation on @mumsnet earlier about how many children people would like to have, in an ideal scenario. We have our four, twin boys and then twin girls spaced 20 months apart, baby five due at the end of October and then a little maybe-six, a frozen embryo waiting for us at the clinic. So if everything goes well we’ll end up with six. Going into this, I planned to have just one! 😂 How many children would you like to have, in a perfect world…? #dearphotographer #candidcatches #mytinymoments #ourcandidlife #thesincerestoryteller #documentyourdays #mynameismama #letthekidsfilm #enchantedchildhood #celebrate_childhood #childhoodcaptured #lives_in_focus #standstillmychild #alldaykids #honestlyparents #themindfulapproach #my_magical_moments #snaplovegrow #bloom_childhood #thisdayandeveryday #mytinymoments #curiouslittleexplorers #lovelifeoutside #littlefierceones #thismamaloves #capturingtheday #twinstagram #twinsofinstagram #multiplemultiples #twinstwice

Una publicación compartida de Amber (@meetthewildes) el

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